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Preparation for Sunday, January 22

John 5:39-40; 15:1-11
We are currently in the very beginning stages of a sermon series exploring a number of different practices that will create the context for God to deepen our relationship with Him, one another and our neighbour. Today we will look at a practice we’re calling “Dwelling in the Word.” In John 5, Jesus was speaking to religious leaders who spent lots of time in God’s revealed Word. Jesus challenged them, however, beyond the mere content of His truth to a living relationship with Himself as Originator of this Truth. In John 15, He used the language of abiding or remaining in Him (and in His words). The original language has the sense of staying in a place over a period of time. The teaching of Jesus envisions fruit (transformation revealed in character, obedience and impact) emerging from this time of dwelling. Today we will look at how we might more intentionally dwell in God’s Word as an expression of our living relationship with Him.

  • What do you understand as the difference between merely reading God’s Word and dwelling in His Word?
  • Ask God to work in your heart and in the hearts of all who will be attending our services online or in person today.


  • Pray that those who are new to the church will be welcomed and find meaningful relationships.
  • Pray for our Children’s Ministry Pastor, Jerilyn Bayer.
  • Pray for the Children’s Ministry Associate, Annette Faszer. Pray for the Children’s Ministry Assistants: Abigail, Amelia, Blythe, Clarissa, Domina, Jenna, Sarah, and Sunita.
Categories: Devotional Guide