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Devotional Guide for Monday, April 22

1 Timothy 1:1-11


Beginning in his first letter to Timothy, Paul does not waste any space in writing what Timothy will need as he begins his ministry. It is clear from the very beginning of this letter, what is of the most importance for Timothy’s role in ministry. Paul is quite concerned with what is being taught, and urges Timothy to right the ship and point the teaching in the right direction. People have become occupied with things that are of no use to their faith and have been led astray. This is compared to the teachers of the law, that while the law can be beneficial in administering rebuke, it has taken them away from what the law is supposed to promote (vs3-4;8-11). What is supposed to be informing the law is love, which is informed by a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith (v5).
This reminds me of a saying, “too much knowledge, and no wisdom”. In an attempt to become teachers of the law, they have forgotten what is truly important. Understanding the law is only as good as the thing which the law is to promote--love. There is no wisdom in becoming a “bag of books”. As Paul writes, we must commit ourselves to “divine training” (NRSV) or “the work of God” (NIV), which is cultivated by a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith (vs4-5).

Noah Okken


  • Pray for our Senior Lead Team Pastor, Lyle Buyer, his ministry, and family.
  • Pray for our Church Board members: Beth Cheung, Gerhard Hiob, Hal Reirson, JD Kliewer, Mary Jetha, Mike Ross, Randy Voss, Seth Jansen, Trevor Toews, Uwem Okome.
  • Pray for our Custodians, Adit Gamble, Stan Goodnough and Anne King; Facilities Manager, Joe Richards.
  • Pray for our office staff: Vicky Bailey, Naomi Voss; bookkeeper Liudmyla Lushchyk
Categories: Devotional Guide