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Devotional Guide for Saturday, August 13

2 Chronicles 32:1-23


We know that life on earth has many trials and tribulations. Jesus said to His disciples that in this world you will have trouble. In today’s passage, the people of God are in the middle of trouble. The king of Assyria is intent on invading Jerusalem. The threat is real and imminent.

I love what happens next! King Hezekiah encourages his people. He doesn’t encourage them by pointing out their military strengths, or a strategic battle plan. He encourages his people by pointing them to God--to God’s strength, to the fact that God is with them and will help them fight their battles.

We may not be surrounded by an army ready to destroy our city. But, according to Ephesians 6:12 we are in a spiritual battle. And as part of God’s family, we get to be part of encouraging each other. When the battle rages, and despair and hopelessness overwhelm us, we can point each other to God. To our God who is strong. To our God who is with us. To our God who has brought us hope through Jesus Christ. We can encourage each other to fix our eyes on Jesus when everything around us seems dark.


Who around you needs encouragement today?

Erin Gibbard


  • Pray for Pastor Dan, our Lead Team Pastor and his family.
  • Pray for our Young Adults Pastor, Nathanael Trinh, his ministry, and his family.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Melissa Chaffee and her family.
  • Pray for our church Groups Assistant, Noah Okken.
Categories: Devotional Guide