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Devotional Guide for Friday, August 12

2 Chronicles 30:1-14, 23-27


The kingdom of Israel had fallen to the Assyrians, and many were exiled. There was no longer a king, but many looked to Hezekiah for leadership in order to identify with their Jewish roots (v11). Hezekiah’s desire was to reunite Israel and Judah by sending couriers with letters of repentance, which would’ve been read publicly to others. The call to repentance and worship was humbly received by some, while others scorned and mocked them.

For those that did respond, the assembly of all people was filled with joy, which the Chronicler compares the celebration back to the times of David and Solomon!

The act of returning to God can be uncomfortable for some. It involves confession, perhaps accountability, and turning away from the temptation that drew you away from God initially. But our God affirms His people, “If you return to me, I will not turn away my face from you.” What a promise! Whether it’s a broken relationship that requires reconciliation, or a temptation that has become an idol, the Lord is merciful and gracious.


We notice the celebration and joy that radiates from Jerusalem when God’s people have united and returned to God from their sinful living. We also read that God heard their prayers and blessed them. How might the Lord want to work in your life for you to encounter answered prayer and blessings?

Pastor Nathanael


  • Pray for our Childcare staff, the children and their families this week. Pray for the Director, Kristy Thomas.
  • Pray for our Audio/Visual Director, Grant Mix.
  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken and his family.
  • Pray that God’s Spirit would work powerfully and effectively in all the various ministry groups in our church this week.
Categories: Devotional Guide